What is your cannonball moment?

13 May 2021Announcement, Project

On 20 May 1521, St. Ignatius was seriously injured when a cannonball shattered his legs. This cannonball moment marks the beginning of Ignatius’ spiritual journey of conversion and a more closely following of Christ. It opened up a new dream for Ignatius; one he had not thought of earlier. He started seeing the world and all things new with the eyes of Christ.

The experience of a shocking event which triggers a form of conversion, a desire to follow Christ more closely, a desire to change one’s life fundamentally and start over, a discovery of a new dream, a way of seeing things new in Christ, is not an experience that is limited to the 16th century, but rather an experience everyone can have.

In this series, people from all over the world share a cannonball moment in their lives… Take a moment to reflect: What is your cannonball moment?


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