On the occasion of the Ignatian Year, Lassalle Haus in Switzerland is organising a conference on Ignatian spirituality from 21 to 24 October 2021. The title is: Creative Fidelity – The spirituality of the Ignatian Exercises and its significance for ecumenism and interreligious dialogue today.
The Lassalle-Haus invites you to an international conference. Together with many experts in Ignatian spirituality, they will explore the question of what the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises are all about, what spirituality underlies the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, and how the spirituality of the Spiritual Exercises can be made fruitful for ecumenical and interreligious dialogue today.
Programme (subject to modifications):
Thursday, 21 October 2021
6.30 pm Dinner
8.00 pm Welcome and introduction by Arturo Sosa SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Rome
8.15 pm Ignatian spirituality in the service of reconciliation and freedom, Prof. Dr. James Hanvey SJ
Friday, 22 October 2021
7.30 am Meditation (optional)
8.00 am Breakfast
9.00 am Ignatius and the spirituality of the Spiritual Exercises: a fruitful reception history, but with some dissonances, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mariano Delgado
10.30 am Break
11.00 am Workshops
– ”Discernment” – the central concern of the Spiritual Exercises
– “Synodality” and the spirituality of the Exercises
– Different forms and ways of the Spiritual Exercises
– Spirituality of the Exercises for young people
– Spirituality of the Exercises and ecumenism
12.00 noon Lunch
2.00 pm Significance of the spirituality of the Exercises serving interreligious dialogue, Prof. Dr. Tobias Specker SJ, Prof. Dr. Margareta Gruber OSF
3.30 pm Break
4.00 pm Significance of the spirituality of the Exercises serving interreligious dialogue, Prof. Dr. Alexander Löffler SJ, Niklaus Brantschen SJ
5.40 pm Mass
6.30 pm Dinner
Saturday, 23 October 2021
7.30 am Meditation (optional)
8.00 am Breakfast
9.00 am The spirituality of the Exercises: Catholic heritage and ecumenical impact, Prof. Dr. Philip Endean SJ
10.30 am Break
11.00 am Workshops (see above)
12.00 noon Lunch
2.00 pm The spirituality of the Exercises serving ecumenism, Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Faber, Prof. Dr. Peter Zimmerling
4.00 pm Departure to Lucerne, visit to the Jesuit Church
6.00 pm Apéro riche in Lucerne
8.00 pm Concert: Renaissance music and lyrics (Jesuit Church, Lucerne)
Sunday, 24 October 2021
7.30 am Breakfast
8.30 am Mass
10.00 am The significance of the spirituality of the Exercises in a secular European context, Dr. Jean-Paul Hernandez SJ, Dr. Stefan Kiechle SJ
11.30 am Plenary discussion
12.30 pm Lunch
1.30 pm End
More information: website